Forest 4.0

Digital wood and timber cultures: digital forestry and digital timber design – robotics, automation, sensors, drones etc. Includes features from Fourth Door, Unstructured, Annular and other related pieces.


Rebooting the Woodland

Dartington’s Woodland Presents and Woodlab projects – Al Tempest


Rawlam from the North

CITA’s Tom Svilans on the joint Copenhagen and Aarhus robotics research 


Theatre of Folded Dreams

Research feature on EPFL Lausanne I-bois’s folded plate geometry Vidy theatre building

In Unstructured extra 9 CLT futures themed edition – 2018


X-Box – Woodie comes to Hamburg

Pre-Fabricated modular design takes the next step with SauerbrauchHutton’s Woodie projectby Kerstin Kuhnekath

In Unstructured extra 9 CLT futures themed edition – 2018


The Rise of the Robots

Achim Menges and Stuttgart’s ICD, Gramazio/Kohler and Hooke Park’s Woodchip Barn

In Blueprint347 – July/August 2016 – PDF


Haltia’s algorithmic interior nature environment 

Digital architect Markus Wikar describes the design and programming required for Haltia’s wooden shell-structure, Sotkanmuna

In Unstructured extra 6 – 2013Unfinished revolution – new Finnish timber architecture themed edition


Robots in the Wineyard

Gramazio & Kohler

In Unstructured 4 and Fourth Door Review 8


One Tree World

Natalie Jerimijenko

In Fourth Door Review 5 – not available online

Annular Accommodates