Contact Fourth Door Review

Fourth Door Review is published independently by Hyacinth House publishers

The editorial co-ordinator is Oliver Lowenstein
and the review is designed by Linda Reed & Associates 

There are the following contact points:

Phone: 00 44 (0) 1273 473501

Editorial address: 

Fourth Door Review, PO Box 2632, Lewes, Sussex, BN7 2XZ, Britain

We welcome unsolicited submissions, sent and endeavour to reply to all enquiries but cannot ensure responses to all contact requests. Please contact the editorial address.

Trade and sales

We welcome Fourth Door publications being available in bookshops, and other outlets. For trade orders and other sales please contact us via the contact addresses above.

Institutional Ordering

Fourth Door Review is subscribed to by many HE libraries and other institutions both academic and non-academic. 

Information about subscriptions can be found on the Institutional subscriptions information pdf and the Institutional prices pdf

Download both for full information and send email enquiry to the


Fourth Door Review commits a limited amount of advertising space within each edition.

Reach an estimated 30, 000 of the most discerning readers across the art, architecture, design, new music and new media, craft and technology fields.

Fourth Door Review is distributed across the UK and European continent, plus East Coast North America. The Review is also subscribed to by many art school and HE humanities libraries and includes a significant web-presence, through its website and also through a variety of ongoing related programmes and events.

For further information, advert sizes and rates, etc download the FDR Info-Sheet PDF