fourthdoor books

A specialist sustainability and experimental book imprint

Fourth Door Books

A specialist sustainability and experimental book imprint

Fourth Door Books is a specialist book and publishing imprint from Hyacinth House/Fourth Door Research – the publishers of the cultural review, Fourth Door Review.

The Fourth Door Books imprint spans and expands Fourth Door Review’s unique transdisciplinary approach.

Our first books focus on the green edge of sustainable architecture and building culture, on contemporary nature-informed art, and on experimental and artist book-works.

Check out Fourth Door Books’ first books here.

You can find a pdf booklet about Fourth Door Books here.

An information sheet about the first Fourth Door Books books is here.

A one-page introduction to Fourth Door Books is here.

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Our Books

Fourth Door Books first titles

New Vernaculars

A specialist architecture and sustainability culture series, which has been launched with our first title

Super-Thatch: the new architectural and sustainability culture

The X(perimentum) Series

FDR X(perimentum): Treating the Copy

FDR X(perimentum) + I:
(Sometimes I feel so) Unintentional

Art Terrains

Still: Empty Flowers & Other Fields

Three artists working with nature across book art, watercolour and photography.

Landlines: the Land Art Editions